Logic explained to kids

Logic is the study of reasoning, or the process of drawing conclusions from premises. A conclusion is a statement that follows logically from a set of premises. The premises of a argument are the evidence or reasons that are given in support of the conclusion. There are different types of logic, including formal and informal logic. Formal logic is the kind of logic that is used in mathematics and computer science. It is based on the use of symbols and rules of inference. Informal logic is the kind of logic that is used in everyday life. It is based on common sense and intuition. Logic is important because it helps us to reason correctly. It also helps us to identify errors in reasoning. If we can identify errors in reasoning, we can avoid making them ourselves. There are two main kinds of reasoning: deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning. Deductive reasoning is a kind of reasoning that starts with a general statement or principle and then applies it to a specific case. Inductive reasoning is a kind of reasoning that starts with specific cases and then tries to generalize from them. Logic is also important because it can help us to critically evaluate arguments. An argument is a set of premises that are intended to support a conclusion. To critically evaluate an argument, we need to consider whether the premises are true and whether they actually do support the conclusion.

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