Renaissance humanism explained to kids

Renaissance humanism was a philosophical and literary movement that emphasized individual achievement and achievement in the humanities, which is the study of classical antiquity. The term "humanism" comes from the Latin word humanitas, which means "human nature." Humanism was a response to the perceived lack of interest in classical learning during the Middle Ages. During the Renaissance, humanists sought to revive the study of classical antiquity, which they believed had been neglected during the Middle Ages. They also sought to promote the study of the humanities, which they believed would help to create better citizens. One of the most important humanists was Petrarch, who is considered the father of Renaissance humanism. Petrarch was a scholar and poet who argued that the study of classical antiquity could help to improve one's character. Other important humanists include Giovanni Boccaccio, Coluccio Salutati, and Leon Battista Alberti. These humanists were responsible for helping to spread the ideas of the Renaissance throughout Europe. They also helped to create a new interest in the study of the humanities, which had been largely neglected during the Middle Ages. Renaissance humanism had a profound impact on the arts and sciences. The Renaissance is often considered to be a period of great achievement in these areas. Many of the most important artists and scientists of the Renaissance were humanists who looked to classical antiquity for inspiration. The Renaissance also saw the development of new technologies and the rediscovery of lost knowledge from the past. This led to a period of great progress in the arts and sciences. Renaissance humanism had a significant impact on the development of the modern world. The ideas of the Renaissance helped to shape the modern world in a number of ways. First, the Renaissance helped to promote the idea of progress. This idea had a profound impact on the way people thought about the world and their place in it. Second, the Renaissance helped to promote individualism. This is the idea that each person is unique and has the potential to achieve great things. This idea helped to create a more individualistic society. Finally, the Renaissance helped to spread learning and knowledge throughout Europe. This led to the development of the modern education system.

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