Pythagoras explained to kids

Pythagoras was a very famous mathematician who lived in Greece over 2,000 years ago. He is best known for his work on geometry, particularly the Pythagorean theorem. The theorem is a way to find the length of the sides of a right triangle, and is still used by mathematicians and engineers today. Pythagoras also developed a system of numbers and shapes that were used by Greek philosophers and scientists. Pythagoras was born on the island of Samos, Greece, in about 570 BC. His father was a wealthy merchant, and Pythagoras was able to travel and study with many famous philosophers and scientists. He eventually settled in the city of Croton, in southern Italy, and founded a school where he taught his ideas. Many of the things we know about Pythagoras come from his students, who wrote about his life and work after he died. Pythagoras died in about 500 BC, but his ideas were so influential that they shaped the course of Western thought for centuries.

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