Heat explained to kids

Heat is a type of energy that travels from one place to another. It can travel through solid objects, liquids, and gases. Heat is produced when atoms and molecules move around. The faster they move, the more heat is produced. Heat can be measured in two ways: temperature and thermal energy. Temperature is a measure of how hot or cold something is. Thermal energy is a measure of the total amount of heat energy in an object. There are three ways to transfer heat: conduction, convection, and radiation. Conduction is the transfer of heat through solid objects. Convection is the transfer of heat through liquids and gases. Radiation is the transfer of heat through waves, such as light waves. Heat can be used to do work. For example, heat can be used to cook food, to power engines, and to generate electricity. Heat can be dangerous. For example, too much heat can cause fires, and extreme cold can cause frostbite.

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