Humanities explained to kids

Humanities are academic disciplines that study aspects of human society and culture. In the Renaissance, the term contrasted with natural sciences, and the arts, which included poetry, rhetoric, history, and moral philosophy. Today, the humanities are more frequently defined as any field of study that relates to human cultures, both past and present. The humanities use methods that are critical, or analytical, and have a historical focus. They include disciplines such as archaeology, anthropology, history, literature, philosophy, and religious studies. The humanities also encompass art history, performing arts, and film and media studies. Humans have been studying their own societies and cultures since the days of ancient Greece and Rome. The word “humanities” comes from the Latin word “humanitas,” which means “human nature.” In the Middle Ages, the term was used to mean the study of Latin grammar, literature, and rhetoric. During the Renaissance, the humanities were seen as a way to revive the study of classical antiquity and to promote civic virtue. The humanities are sometimes referred to as the “liberal arts,” because they were seen as the opposite of the “mechanical arts,” or the sciences. Today, the humanities are an important part of a well-rounded education. They provide a way to understand the complexities of human societies and to appreciate the wide variety of human cultures.

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