Amazon rainforest explained to kids

The Amazon rainforest is a tropical forest that covers a huge area of South America. It's a very important place because it's home to lots of different plants and animals. Some of the animals that live there include jaguars, sloths, and monkeys. The Amazon rainforest is also a very important place for the people who live there. Some of the things that they use the forest for include hunting, gathering food, and making shelter. The Amazon rainforest is huge! It covers an area of 2.1 million square miles, which is about the size of the United States! The Amazon rainforest is also very old. Scientists believe that it's been around for at least 55 million years. The Amazon rainforest is important for the Earth because it helps to keep our planet healthy. The trees in the forest take in carbon dioxide, which is a gas that is bad for the Earth. They turn it into oxygen, which is a gas that we need to breathe. The Amazon rainforest also helps to keep the Earth cool. The Amazon rainforest is in danger because people are cutting down the trees. They do this to make room for farms and to get wood to build houses and other things. When the trees are gone, the animals have nowhere to live and the people have no food or shelter. We need to be careful with the Amazon rainforest so that it will be around for many years to come.

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