Memory explained to kids

Memory is the ability to store, recall, and use information and experiences. We use our memory every day, for things like remembering where we parked our car or what we need to pick up at the store. There are three main types of memory: -Sensory memory: This is the very first type of memory that we have. It is very brief (lasting only a few seconds) and it is the type of memory that we use when we see or hear something and then quickly forget it. -Short-term memory: This is the type of memory that we use to store information for a short period of time, like a phone number that we need to remember long enough to dial it. Short-term memory is also sometimes called working memory. -Long-term memory: This is the type of memory that we use to store information for a long period of time, like the name of a person we met years ago. There are two main types of long-term memory: -Explicit memory: This is the type of long-term memory that we can consciously recall, like a memory of a party we attended last year. -Implicit memory: This is the type of long-term memory that we can't consciously recall, like the muscle memory that we use when we ride a bike. There are many different ways to improve your memory. Some memory techniques include using mnemonic devices, chunking information, and rehearsal.

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