Animal explained to kids

Animals are a group of living organisms that are distinguished from plants by several characteristics, including the ability to move, the possession of specialized sense organs, and the production of substances necessary for digestion. There are approximately 1.5 million known species of animals, making them the largest group of living organisms on Earth. Animals can be found in nearly every environment on the planet, from the coldest Arctic regions to the hottest deserts. Most animals are able to move about freely in search of food, mates, and other necessities. Animals that are not able to move on their own are often carried by other animals or transported by water or air currents. Animals are distinguished from other living things by certain characteristics. These include the ability to move, the possession of specialized sense organs, and the ability to digest food. Movement is a necessary function for animals. It helps them find food and mates, escape from predators, and reach new habitats. Animals move in a variety of ways, including crawling, walking, flying, and swimming. Specialized sense organs help animals detect the world around them. These organs include eyes, ears, noses, and tongues. Each type of sense organ is adapted to detect a particular type of stimulus, such as light, sound, or odor. The ability to digest food is another important characteristic of animals. Digestion is the process by which food is broken down into small molecules that can be absorbed by the body. This process requires enzymes, which are proteins that catalyze chemical reactions in the body.

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