Desert explained to kids

A desert is a dry, barren area of land where little to no vegetation grows. Deserts are often hot and dusty, with very little rainfall. Some deserts are cold, like the Antarctic Desert. There are four main types of deserts: hot and dry, semi-arid, coastal, and cold. The largest desert in the world is the Sahara Desert in Africa, which covers 9.2 million square kilometers (3.6 million square miles). Hot and dry deserts are found in the subtropics, like the Sahara Desert. Semi-arid deserts are dry, but receive a little more rainfall than hot and dry deserts. They are found in the mid-latitudes, like the Chihuahua Desert in Mexico. Coastal deserts are found along the coastlines of continents and are usually cool and humid, like the Atacama Desert in South America. Cold deserts are found in the high latitudes, like the Antarctic Desert. There are many interesting plants and animals that live in deserts. Cacti and succulents are plants that have adapted to the dry conditions by storing water in their leaves or stems. Animals like kangaroos, camels, and lizards have also adapted to the dry conditions by having special features like long eyelashes and ears, or by storing water in their bodies. Deserts are important because they help regulate the Earth's temperature. They also provide homes for many plants and animals.

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