Mammal explained to kids

Mammals are a type of animal that is warm-blooded, has fur or hair, and gives birth to live young. Mammals are the largest group of animals on Earth. There are more than 5,000 species of mammals. Mammals are found in every corner of the world. Some live in the coldest parts of the Arctic, while others live in hot deserts. Some mammals, like bats, can even fly! Mammals are different from other animals in many ways. For example, all mammals have a four-chambered heart, which helps them to keep their body temperature warm. Most mammals are very good at taking care of their young. For example, female mammals have milk in their breasts, which they use to feed their babies. Mammals are also different from other animals in the way they move. Most mammals walk on all fours, but some, like humans, can stand and walk on two legs. Mammals are a very important part of the ecosystem. They play many different roles, such as pollinating plants, dispersing seeds, and controlling pests.

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