Folk religion explained to kids

Folk religion is the belief in and worship of supernatural beings such as gods and goddesses. It is often practiced alongside mainstream religion. Folk religion is based on oral traditions and beliefs that have been passed down from generation to generation. People who practice folk religion often believe in magic and the supernatural. They may also use charms, amulets, and talismans to protect themselves from evil spirits. Folk religion is often passed down through families and is practiced in small communities. Folk religion is found all over the world. In Asia, folk religion is often practiced alongside Buddhism, Hinduism, and Confucianism. In Europe, folk religion has been influenced by Christianity. In Africa, folk religion is often tied to traditional beliefs about ancestor worship and animism. People who practice folk religion often believe in a wide variety of gods and goddesses. They may also believe in spirits, ghosts, and other supernatural beings. Folk religion is often based on the belief that there is a spirit world that exists alongside our own. People who practice folk religion often use rituals and ceremonies to honor their gods and goddesses. They may also use magic and charms to protect themselves from evil spirits. Folk religion is often passed down through families and is practiced in small communities.

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