Political science explained to kids

Political science is the study of governments, public policies, and political processes. It deals with the distribution of power and resources within a society. Political science is a social science that is concerned with the analysis of political systems, political behavior, and political processes. Political science is a very broad field that covers a wide range of topics. It can be divided into four main subfields: -Comparative politics: This subfield focuses on the study of different political systems around the world. It looks at how these systems are similar and how they are different. -International relations: This subfield focuses on the study of the relationships between different countries. It looks at the various factors that influence these relationships, such as economic, cultural, and political factors. -Public policy: This subfield focuses on the study of the policies that governments make. It looks at how these policies are developed, how they are implemented, and how they affect different groups of people. -Political theory: This subfield focuses on the study of different ideologies and how they impact political systems. It looks at the various ways in which people can organize themselves politically and the different ways that power can be used.

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