Penguin explained to kids

Penguins are birds that live in the southern hemisphere. There are 17 different species of penguins, and they are all black and white. The emperor penguin is the tallest, and the little penguin is the smallest. Penguins can swim up to 25 mph and dive to depths of more than 700 feet! Penguins eat mostly fish, but they also eat squid and crustaceans. Penguins have a lot of feathers, which helps to keep them warm in the cold water. They also have a layer of fat under their skin. Penguins spend about half of their time in the water and half of their time on land. Penguins live in colonies of up to several thousand birds. They build their nests out of stones, pebbles, or feathers. Each penguin lays two eggs, and the parents take turns incubating them. Once the chicks hatch, the parents feed them a special kind of milk called “crop milk.” Penguins are interesting birds, and they have many unique adaptations that help them to survive in their cold environment.

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